How might we simplify and streamline the marketing for our network managers?

Creating re-usable digital templates for a group of managers across different countries.
Skills and tools:

Design Thinking
UX Design
UX Research
Website Development
Forestry CMS

Before vs After


Key stakeholder pain points
There were two challenge streams that I discovered:
Network Managers were typically time-poor and lacked expertise in marketing or branding. This left marketing as unattended in most networks.
End-website users would come from a variety of backgrounds with different goals. Most Network Managers would only focus on one goal (and sometimes neither).
Therefore the challenge statement I decided on addressing was:

How might we simplify marketing for Network Managers, so they could laser-focus on key stakeholders?
Full disclaimer - marketing should be done properly in order to reach its full potential. But in this case, regardless of what I would create, the Managers would not have time to learn something from scratch or bring on more people to help. So the key priority was to
Define some baseline personas/focuses
Create plug/play style material depending on the capacity of the Manager

Challenge Streams

Stream 1 User Research: There was little user research done on the end-users of the network materials. So I spent time doing user research first to separate the concerns and goals of the end-user from the Network Manager, and from the global team.

Stream 2 Materials Requirements: Whilst the brief originally had a website and newsletter templates, I found very quickly during the research phase that a big gap was actually understanding the relevance of marketing activities to the overall goal of the network. Therefore, I needed to flesh out the information/resources end-users wanted across the materials Managers already create/could have on their website, in order to define the final feature set


interviews conducted


institutions surveyed


workshops conducted


published websites


Personas and goals anchor focus
Delivered personas, example user flows, goals, and linked to suggested information to display on the website. This provided Managers with a framework to direct their effort towards the stakeholders most relevant to their network goals.
Provided the research and insights to the global Networks Team, who can now leverage insights from real users - saving them time and providing data for future problem-solving.

Website and marketing templates

Reusable and customisable templates allow Managers to plug and play, therefore reducing time required.

You can see the live websites at:

Image Gallery

Let’s get started

Connect with me on LinkedIn.